2023 Fan Art Contest - Winners Announcement


Hello, citizens of Krat.

Thanks to your active involvement and interest, the Fan Art Contest has unfolded successfully. The awaited day of winner announcements has come! Over the course of a month, we were presented with an array of outstanding artworks, each a testament to the remarkable talent within our community. As mentioned in the guidelines, we selected the winning entries based on the following criteria.

1st round of Evaluation

  • Creativity
  • Adherence to submission guidelines
  • Relevance to Lies of P

2nd round of Evaluation

  • Evaluation from the Art Director

Thank you to all the participants who showcased their heartfelt artworks for the 2023 Lies of P Fan Art Contest.

Without further ado, we now reveal the 10 winning artworks from the 2023 Lies of P Fan Art Contest. Please congratulate them with a round of applause! ** The selected 10 artworks will be exhibited at the NEOWIZ Art Hall!


Grand prize : Special Lies of P T-shirt with the “Art Director’s Signature✍”, a Lies of P Set (Blanket, Gaming mouse pad, Tote bag, Photocard), Poster

5.jpg ID: huh_ji***

“Truly an artist's work! It's remarkable how you've portrayed the story of Lies of P. The intricate details of NPCs and the overall direction are amazing.”

7.png ID: gh_florist_****

“How adorable! I myself could not have imagined that P lying in a suitcase could be this cute. The delicate and vibrant touches make the artwork even more outstanding.”

45.jpg ID: studiof****

“Bold and undoubtedly the most striking piece; this artwork leaves a lasting impression. The vibrant color palette and composition are so captivating that it would fit perfectly in a fairy tale book. The use of vivid colors is delightful, yet it also manages to create an eerie atmosphere. The Watchman's beard is a 10/10.”

63.jpg ID: SS_Sc***

“I cannot take my eyes off this one. Truly a masterpiece. Just looking at this warms my heart. The light illuminating the butterfly and the protagonist is stunning.”

75.jpg ID: bohnen_e***

“Fallen tram. P adventuring Krat. The exciting portrayal of Lies of P through your charming art style and delicate pen strokes is captivating.”

<Additional Artworks>

6.jpg ID: jjuuu****

“The protagonist's mischievous expression is depicted very well. It's a charming piece -- simple yet irresistibly attractive.”

20.jpg ID: juju.__****

“It's a piece that could grace the cover of a Comics magazine! The hidden masculinity of the protagonist is depicted brilliantly.”

32.jpg ID: suna_***

“If Lies of P were to be turned into a play, this artwork would be used as the premiere poster. Your affection for both the protagonist and the monsters is evident, making the artwork even better.”

98.jpg ID: garagep****

“Your delicate touch and artistic composition beautifully emphasize the tragedy of the protagonist. It's a painting that evokes a deep sense of sadness in me as well. Truly exquisite.”

99 (1).png ID: 極夜**

“How adorable! (Our producer literally screamed in delight when she first saw this artwork.)”

Congratulations to all 10 winners of the competition! We will be reaching out to you through the email addresses you provided during the Fan Art Contest submission. Please, make sure to check your emails.

Aside from the 10 winners carefully selected by our Art Director, the entire Round8 Studio including the Art Team has meticulously examined every submission. We were incredibly touched by the participants’ love and passion for Lies of P.

Our comments are brief compared to all the love and support you’ve sent us, but we hope they convey our heartfelt gratitude.

<Other artworks>

Click on the ID to view the post of the artwork.

bookstor**** - “A beautiful artwork of Gepetto carefully crafting his son.” medium_un**** - “An impressive hand-drawn piece of Gepetto. The bold colors are creating a captivating atmosphere!” Brightmid**** - “An adorable and fun artwork of Eugene and P together. The details of the Puppet Strings, Stargazer, and Fire Axe are on point!” PalGooGo**** - “The drawing exudes such dynamism that it feels like the King of Puppets could pounce at any moment! The way he seems to emerge from the card is very impressive.” spot**** - “Valiant P, ready to defeat enemies at any moment! So handsome.” youra**** - “I love that you've added touches of Korean culture into the artwork. The symbols of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood are amazing.” tpl_**** - “An artwork in the form of a cartoon! The humorous content and playful tone make it very entertaining.”86748586113) - “The strong and cold demeanor hidden within the handsome appearance is very striking. The blue eye symbolizing Ergo is exceptionally impressive.” juoh_offi**** - “I imagine this is how our protagonist would look if he were a robot. Spooky!” Play_**** - “I absolutely enjoyed searching for hidden details in this piece. The monsters and bosses in the background are adorable!” you_byeo**** - “The dense rendering gives the artwork a lot of depth and vibrance. The blue butterfly on the finger and the protagonist's expression are both very charming.” co.a_*** - “It feels like a captured moment from a battle. The pose and the color palette are calm and beautiful.” k_bi**** - “An amazing artwork that depicts the 19th-century backdrop with the night sky, moon, along with the protagonist striking a strong pose.” swetr**** - “I love how dynamic and striking you've portrayed the protagonist using the Grinder!” colorpap**** - “The delicate fluttering of the blue butterflies creates a charming atmosphere, akin to a scene from a fairy tale.” havit**** - “You've captured the relationship between the protagonist and Sophia very well. The poses and gazes, the conveying mutual awareness are skillfully portrayed and very stylish.” nuri**** - “The reinterpretation of traditional Eastern attire is incredibly stylish and impressive. If such costumes were available, they would likely be very popular!” soan*** - “I really love how delicately and beautifully the protagonist's face and expressions are portrayed! The quality is excellent. Personally, it was one of my favorite illustrations.” ephistoricarti**** - “If Lies of P were to be written as a novel, this artwork would be featured in it. The poised expression combined with a hint of innocence showcases excellent artistry.” acrownofa**** - “The protagonist's connection with Sophia's butterfly amidst the crimson-stained Krat creates a hauntingly poignant atmosphere.” andyic**** - “Along with the sensually reimagined background, the silhouette of the protagonist piques curiosity, reminiscent of a theater poster.” Shii**** - “You've captured the essence of the mischievous puppet so well. It feels refreshing to see a side that we can't encounter in the game.” scofield_wr**** - “I like how protagonist is seemingly manipulated by the threads of truth and falsehood; an impressive execution indeed.” sugarwi**** - “The combination of the blue clothing, the cityscape, and the butterfly has created such a beautiful piece. I particularly appreciate the delicate details.” NatiniNa**** - “The expressionless face of the wounded protagonist holding a broken doll baby ironically evokes a deep sense of sadness. It's a truly striking piece.” kyo_o**** - “The meticulous details remind me of Art Nouveau posters. Amidst the bright atmosphere, the protagonist standing on a pile of dolls is incredibly captivating.” sarahw**** - “Fantastic composition and technique -- the atmosphere and story can be instantly conveyed. This is easily one of my favorite illustrations.” astro**** - “The expressionless yet curious face observing Sophia's butterfly is incredibly lovely and endearing.” enriqueq2**** - “An incredible recreation of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam! I love how you've added hearts and puppets as angels.” devil_ab**** - “An excellent use of gears and the color blue, which hold a lot of meaning in Lies of P. The piercing blue eyes and the cold expression really bring out the protagonist's puppet persona.” vini_ta**** - “The warmth from the watercolor and pencil charmingly transforms the game's story into a fairytale-like representation. Amazing.” matilda_**** - “Masterful craftsmanship is evident in the delicate pen strokes. It's truly beautiful!” space_**** - “This artwork left me in awe, as Ophelia is one of my favorite masterpieces. I truly appreciate you for this magnificent artwork.” henry_farr**** - “What a clever piece! Well done in portraying the protagonist's cold and inhuman demeanor.” rewi**** - “This artwork instantly took me to a particular scene from the game.” hobbies.miscellan**** - “The new interpretation of the protagonist seemingly being manipulated by Sophia is intriguing. The way the surrounding blue butterflies subtly illuminate him creates a beautiful yet eerie atmosphere.” hiraeth_gw**** - “It seems as though you've captured their first encounter through the lens of a camera! The subtle glow of the butterfly against the dark background creates a soft and emotional atmosphere-- beautifully captured.” mpsidea**** - “This piece provides a lot of food for thought. Is the protagonist looking at the butterfly? Or is he looking at his own reflection? In which world has he awakened to this time?” MercedesAnast**** -“This artwork makes me ponder: what was the future Sophia truly wanted?” Panic_Ke**** - “The vivid colors and unique art style are both brilliant, but I especially like how the K card seems to incorporate the meanings of Krat as well. An excellent job!” st.i*** - “Sophia seems to be reborn with an Art Nouveau touch! From the typography to the background elements and the flow of lines, everything is beautifully represented in a style reminiscent of that era's illustrations. It's truly a stunning portrayal!” poofer_*** - “I love how the faces of the protagonist and the juxtaposed figure are both concealed, as it sparks a lot of imagination. It carries a mysterious and enigmatic vibe, making it truly captivating.” irenbe**** - “At first, my attention was drawn to the confident stance of the protagonist. Then I discovered the other key elements in the background, such as the Stargazer, hearts, the Black Rabbit Brotherhood, and puppets! What a joyful ride!” daniel_rozsah**** - “Such a wonderful illustration. I can imagine it being drawn on an old scroll! The clever use of light and shadow emphasizes the charismatic expression of the protagonist, drawing the focus beautifully.” Shan_*** - “Reminds me of drawings I made as a child using crayons and scratch paper! The vibrant colors, combined harmoniously, depict a protagonist who has found his humanity. The image of him playing the violin sparks a lot of imagination.” Happy Cho**** - “A different version of the encounter scene between Gepetto and the protagonist! The comic format among the illustrations felt refreshing. The ending, revealing Gepetto’s affection towards the protagonist, was truly novel.” NiezziQ_d**** - “The strong contrast between light and shadow, and the protagonist gathering courage right before the final blow, exudes a powerful impact. It was a piece that left a strong impression.” jellybin**** - “The protagonist's gaze towards Gemini is haunting. The subtle yellow glow in the dark screen captures the attention, creating an eerie atmosphere.” tomatomam**** - “The mysterious combination of blue blending with pink and purple tones creates a captivating effect. It's beautifully expressed.” jubi**** -“This artwork looks like a scene from an animation. I love the dynamic atmosphere.” Reikas**** - “I peak his freckles! I can tell you've put a lot into the intricate details.” Kstars**** - “Surrounded by puppets, the protagonist seems to convey his desires to become human.” EmilyMcMi**** - “I love the sharp contrast of his cute looks and his fierce posture!” IsK*** - “Surrounded by puppets, the protagonist in red really stands out.” ryuu_t**** - “Looks like a movie poster! The relationship between the protagonist and the surrounding characters is intriguing.” StrangeA**** - “Here you see the protagonist at a crossroad of choices! The vibrant colors are beautiful.” MizaelCanat**** - “I would surely use this as a poster. I love the contrast of the protagonist and the monsters.” cheshire_ca**** - “A fun take on the dark atmosphere of Krat!” 13Unti**** - “This artwork reminds me of a play! Powerful and impressive.” ElM__*** - “The detached perspective of the protagonist gazing at humanity is striking. The background is also beautifully portrayed. It's a wonderful piece that raises the question of the meaning of becoming human.” geek**** - “One is human, and the other is a puppet, creating a scene reminiscent of a puppet show with contrasting characters. You've captured the atmosphere that seems to have a story behind it very well!” jeiko_kit**** - “It warms my heart to see Sophia in peace, surrounded by butterflies.” w1nter__**** - “I love the combination of his mysterious expression and the rough touches.” sanne_hoon**** - “The Parade Master has never looked so adorable! Oh, how I wish to make this as a handkerchief and carry it around!” keybu**** - “The protagonist strikes a fantastic pose, and even the decorative elements around the frame show great attention to detail. It's perfect!” khatulistiw**** - “You've captured the protagonist's intense battle scene with dynamic energy. It's truly impressive!” carcinog**** - “A beautiful portrayal of the protagonist's melancholic expression as he gazes at the butterfly perched on his Legion Arm.” Calico_**** - “An artwork that leaves me wanting more of the story.” Ramon**** - “Fabulous! The dreamy and beautiful color palette is amazing.” MeishaGero**** - “The heart formed by the butterfly's wings sparks warmth amidst darkness. Lovely work.” Minayoko_M**** - “Amazing work. The long and beautiful eyelashes are especially impressive.” CandyBo**** - “Strong strokes and beautiful shades of blue blend harmoniously, creating a delightful visual experience. Truly a pleasure to behold!” lunart_ionthe**** - “An excellent touch on the protagonist's expression and hair!” tyl*** - “A unique take on the Lies of P universe. Excellent work.” xMarKU**** - “Da Vinci probably would have drawn our protagonist like this. Sensational work!” Frida Ba**** - “The protagonist revealing the blue butterfly to Eugenie as if performing magic! Both amusing and eye-catching!” mummi_mil**** - "Move it. It's my turn now!" artoff**** - “The artwork conveys the protagonist's rage wonderfully. Is that a Fulminis I see? The details, even down to the freckles on the skin, are well expressed. Great attention to detail!” ricemon**** - “So good to see a hand-drawn piece. The expressions on the characters are all vividly brought to life. The details, including the characters' accessories, are incredibly well-crafted.” fox_e_**** - "An eye-catching and beautiful piece expressed in pixels. I'm captivated! I'd love to see other cards as well. :) If Sophia is S-rank, I wonder if there are A-rank monster cards too...?" DonaVaj**** - “The pearl-like hues radiate a mysteriously beautiful atmosphere. The pallid complexion resembles a puppet, yet the red cheeks hint a glimpse of humanity.” Atelier_ya**** - “Those butterfly tattoos catch the eye. Piercings would suit well too! He looks like he would never listen to Gepetto. An amusing piece indeed!” katyavil**** - “The dark atmosphere is impressive; it could easily be used as a book cover. It's a great piece where attention to detail is evident in every aspect. The bosses are particularly striking! The Black Rabbit Brotherhood at the bottom is also excellent.” SinX**** - “Handsome protagonist! The blue background and blue butterflies are impressive too. Whose blood is that? If it's Mad Donkey's blood, Gepetto would have been surprised when he got off the cart!” Yris**** - “I can feel the beat of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood. The dark atmosphere and texture blend to create a subtle ambiance. I can sense the desire to fight them one-on-one.” tamadouga**** - “What an adorable Parade Master. Children of Krat would have loved a doll of him!” saya*** - “Still picture, but I can feel the tension! It's an adorable piece. The woman in the window and the sign details are great. I would like to add an HP gauge on top!” akizaku**** - “A beautiful piece, resembling embroidery with flowers. The reflection of the moonlight on the hair gradually turning white captures the game's details exceptionally well.”

Last but not least, we announce the two winners of the SNS Sharing Event. Prize : Special Lies of P T-shirt with the “Art Director’s Signature✍

  • Twitter (X) - bachikuso****
  • Instagram- serak****

Congratulations on the two winners! We will be reaching out via the email addresses you provided on the submission form to proceed with the prize delivery.

Once again, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in this Fan Art Contest. Thank you.